This work is dedicated to the memory of Hursie "Shorty" Shumate


About 50 years ago, this writer began collecting historical material concerning the
Upper Cabin Creek Settlement of Wyoming County West Virginia. It 1882 it was
named Saulsville in honor of James Sauls, the current mail carrier of the route
between Oceana, Pineville, Spanishburg and Raleigh.
By 1999 I have accumulated so much material that it would be a task beyond my
ability to put into book form, so I contacted Anita Tolliver McNiel, born in
Saulsville, and asked if she would take my historical material and type it into her
computer and place it on the Internet. That she gladly agreed to do and to her I am
deeply indebted along with all those relatives and old friends who provided me with
all the information that would have been lost due to deaths or forgotten memories.
As to the accuracy of this material, we must keep in mind that its truthfulness is
based on its writer and its sources. Anyway, maybe this material can be rated the
best on the internet.
Note to the reader:
The more often you read this computerized material, the more computerized you
mind will become.
Hursie 'Shorty' Shumate


First let me say what a great fun organizing this work has been.
Shorty took pity on me after learning that I was interested in the
genealogy of my (& Marie's) Tollivers and the rest of the families
in our little piece of Almost Heaven West Virginia, and asked me
to give him a hand. It was like hitting a gold mine.............
This work is compiled from the many boxes of famiily lineage
manuscripts, notes, newpaper articles, published works about
our County and Families that Shorty has 'saved'. Compiled is
the key word... Neither of us consider that any of the information
is final word on any family. Please use the information to your
best interest and come to your own conclusions. Where there
were major conflicting lineages, all are presented.

This site owned and maintained by Anita Tolliver McNiel,
Beckley WV.
The page was last updated 05/01/2008